Sunday, September 30, 2007

Career Journal Articles

After reading through a couple of articles and getting different opinions on ideas, I have found that being honest is the most important thing to do. I feel like people get so worried about not being good enough, so they fabricate on their resumes, making them completely false. I think because expectations and competition is getting so high, people may feel the need to tell a small lie, which then falsifies the resume.
I also think that the article describing certain things that made resumes stand out was very interesting. Small things like using a glossy, more sturdy paper makes the world of difference. Standing out in a classy way is very important without being over the top.
Overall, I think that true statements and information is much more important than anything else. Simply keeping resumes traditional and classy is the best way to go, in my opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, Addie. Honesty is always the best approach.